Food & care

Food & care

What Do I Need for My New Kitten?


Since Bengals can be quite picky eaters, we always have kibble available for them day and night. We feed them Purizon Kitten Chicken & Fish, which is grain-free and has a high meat content. Our kittens also receive wet food from Carny, which is also grain-free and high in protein.

We recommend giving your kitten the same food as the breeder for the first few months. While we cannot require new owners to stick to the same food, our kittens are accustomed to fresh (raw), canned, and dry food. Around their first year, you can gradually transition your kitten to adult food over a 7-day period by mixing the kitten kibble with adult kibble. The adult Purizon kibble flavors we use are Venison & Fish, Lamb & Fish, Beef & Chicken, and Large Chicken & Fish.

Litter Box

In our cattery, we use the Savic Hop In litter box, which has a top-entry design. This is especially useful for cats that like to dig, preventing litter from being scattered outside the box. For kittens up to 6 weeks old, we use non-clumping wood pellets, while older kittens and adult cats use clumping litter from Tigerino and Biokat’s, both of which have fine granules. We recommend having at least two litter boxes for one cat or kitten.

Scratching Post

A scratching post is a necessity for a kitten/cat. They need to sharpen their claws, have a comfortable resting spot (preferably high up), and a place to play. The scratching post should be Bengal-proof, with a minimum pole diameter of 12 cm and a heavy, large base to prevent it from tipping over. We also consider the quality of the plush covering important; it should withstand cleaning/disinfection and a steam cleaner. In our experience, investing in one high-quality scratching post is better than buying several lower-quality ones.


Toys can range from expensive designer toys to simple ping-pong balls. From our experience, it is important to rotate toys regularly to keep your Bengal engaged and challenged.

Food and Water Bowls

We use metal bowls as they are hygienic and dishwasher-safe. It is important to clean them daily. A water fountain is also highly recommended, as Bengals love running water. Ensure the fountain is easy to clean.

Travel Carrier

A travel carrier should be sturdy and large enough to accommodate your growing Bengal. When choosing one, consider that Bengals become large and strong cats.

Outdoor Enclosure

Our garden is fully enclosed so our cats can go outside when we are home, which they thoroughly enjoy. If possible, setting up a secure outdoor area or cat run is highly recommended.

Kitten Pickup

On the agreed date, you will pick up your kitten. Please bring a clean travel carrier with a soft blanket inside to prevent the kitten from sliding around during the ride. You will receive the European pet passport, pedigree papers, and sales contract. We will also provide a fun kitten package.

Bringing Your Kitten Home

Upon arrival at home, place your kitten near the litter box and let it explore at its own pace. If other pets are present, do not force interactions. The kitten will likely be submissive, and resident cats usually do not see it as competition. Hissing and growling are normal during the first few days. We advise picking up your kitten early in the day and staying home for the first few days to monitor its adjustment.

Keep a close eye on whether the kitten eats and drinks properly and uses the litter box.

Daily Care

Fresh water should always be available. In warm weather, refresh it twice a day, and clean the bowl daily with soap. Unclean water bowls can harbor bacteria.

Our cats and kittens have access to kibble all day. Kittens aged 13 weeks receive raw food (KVV) twice daily and wet food once daily. We recommend continuing this for a month before transitioning to a diet of raw food with kibble, canned food with kibble, or a mix.

Litter boxes are scooped twice a day, and sufficient litter should always be in the box to prevent clumps from sticking to the bottom.

Playing with your kitten is essential. We ensure our kittens are socialized by 13 weeks, but continued interaction and playtime are crucial. Rotating toys helps keep them engaged.


Our kittens are vaccinated twice, dewormed multiple times, and microchipped. The veterinarian checks them twice and examines their overall health and any visible abnormalities.

We advise against letting the kitten roam freely outside due to the risk of theft and exposure to diseases. We recommend sending a stool sample to "Het Woud" twice a year, even if your kitten stays indoors. Some parasites can be brought inside via shoes.

Flea Prevention

We use Advantage drops preventively, especially before summer.


We provide one month of insurance, which automatically expires. However, we recommend continuing coverage for the first year.


Kittens sold as pets are castrated/sterilised at 12 weeks to prevent spraying behaviour in males. Females can go into heat and may develop uterine infections if not spayed. Keeping an unspayed female can also cause issues with neighbors.

General Health Tips

If your kitten vomits, eats less, or is less active, visit the veterinarian. They may have contracted a virus or bacterial infection. You can always contact us, but please remember we are not veterinarians.

Ask visitors to remove their shoes and wash their hands to minimise the risk of infections. This precaution also applies to household members after returning home.

Preventing Accidents

Kittens love to play. Check your home for breakable items at their jumping height. Be cautious when opening doors, running the dishwasher, or using the washing machine.

Once the kitten has moved, the new owner assumes full responsibility for its care. We are not responsible for its future development.

Bengal Personality

Bengals are curious, playful, and active. They love water and are well-socialized in our home. They are used to daily noises and regular handling. Bengals shed very little and do not require bathing. Males weigh around 4-6 kg, while females weigh 3-5 kg.

Bengals and Children

Bengals love to play and are great with children. Our kittens are raised with children and are familiar with them.

Bengals and Dogs

Bengals generally get along well with dogs and quickly adapt to them. They are best friends with our Chihuahuas.

Bengals and Allergies

Bengals are not hypoallergenic, but many people with cat allergies report fewer or no reactions to Bengals.